Portuguese tax returns filing deadlines Personal Income Tax Returns regarding income received in 2019 must be filed between April 1st and June 30th, 2020. Who is required to file a [...]
The Portuguese Parliament has approved the Presidential proposal for an extension of the State of Emergency declared on the 18th of March 2020. The new extension will prolong the existing [...]
GFDL Advogados prepared an overview of the new restrictions to be implemented by the Government following the Covid19 Outbreak, for those who are not able to read and understand Portuguese. These [...]
In the wake of increasing coronavirus Covid19 related cases in Portugal, the Portuguese Superior Council of Magistracy had already enacted exceptional measures regarding court operations. Now, [...]
Exceptional and temporary measures concerning the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus COVID 19 were established by the Portuguese Government. Decree-Law 10-A/2020, of March 13th [...]
The cashflow and operation restrictions imposed by the Covid19 outbreak imperil the financial health of companies and their ability to perform. We have produced this overview for companies to [...]
The Portuguese Government approved a new framework for companies to operate in during the Covid-19 outbreak. Flexibility in the payment of taxes and Social Security contributions have been [...]
The Portuguese Civilian Aviation Authority (ANAC) has just issued press releases informing passengers about their rights in light of the impending cancellation of all flights to and from outside [...]
The Portuguese Government has just announced the introduction of border controls as an additional measure to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This measure intends to safeguard Portuguese [...]
The European Commission is proposing a ban on all non-essential travel from and to the Schengen Area, in an attempt to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus. EU countries not belonging to the [...]