As of January 1st, 2023, the minimum wage in Portugal will be set at 760 euros. In the case of part-time employees, the minimum monthly salary must be prorated. Following the publication of [...]
What is MiCA about? The final version of the MiCA (Markets in Crypto-assets) Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council, amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937, was published on October [...]
The 5th Money Laundering Directive (routinely known as AML 5 Directive) deals with the prevention of the use of the financial system for money laundering or terrorist financing. This Directive [...]
On October 30th, 2022, several amendments to the Portuguese immigration framework were enacted. One of the most awaited changes revolves around the so-called Digital Nomad Visa. The Portuguese [...]
On November 3rd, 2022, the Portuguese Government approved new measures to monitor and mitigate the impact of rising interest rates on monthly mortgage loan repayments, which are usually based on [...]
What is MiCA about? The final version of the MiCA (Markets in Crypto-assets) Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937, was published on October [...]
The Portuguese Government’s 2023 Budget Proposal finally provides a clear taxation framework for cryptoassets/cryptocurrencies. The proposal has yet to be approved in the Parliament. The lack of [...]
On October 25th, 2022, João Gil Figueira, Partner at GFDL, delivered a lecture on “Regulation & Compliance”. This lecture is part of a series of lectures of the Blockchain Executive Course by [...]
El 29 de septiembre, el ministro de Hacienda español anunció un nuevo paquete de medidas fiscales. Entre estas medidas destaca el «Impuesto de Solidaridad sobre las Fortunas». Se estima que este [...]
On September 29th, the Spanish Minister of Finance announced a new package of fiscal measures. Among these measures the Solidarity Tax on Fortunes stands out. It’s estimated this new tax will [...]