Social Security in Portugal The Portuguese Social Security program provides benefits paid by contributions by the employer and employee, by the self-employed, and in specific cases by those that [...]
Tax incentives for film production in Portugal Portugal, a country with several types of landscapes, ambiances and home to a cost effective acting and production industry should rank higher in [...]
A broad scope participation exemption regime has become one of Portugal’s cornerstones in terms of corporate income tax and a important feature of the Portugal investment climate. We have [...]
Season’s greetings from our team at GFDL! We look forward to assisting you in 2019. Office hours during the Holiday Season: 24th December – Closed 25th December – Closed 26th December – [...]
Ten financial services and technology firms have recently launched the Association for Digital Asset Markets (ADAM) to devise a code of conduct for digital asset markets. With offices in New York [...]
The elite of the travel industry gathered in Lisbon for the World Travel Awards Grand Final Gala Ceremony 2018. Portugal’s tourism economy was victorious in a range of different categories in the [...]
The self styled “must-attend Blockchain event” in Portugal took place in Lisbon (12 13 November 2018) and GFDL had the opportunity to attend it and have one on one discussions regarding several [...]
Portugal FinLab is a special venue for innovators, incumbent institutions regulatory authorities to discuss, with a pioneering feature of joining all the financial regulators in one single [...]