In this unstable time, Portugal gives everyone a new opportunity to move to a sunnier and safer place or start their path to a second passport. Notwithstanding the current pandemic, the [...]
On 3 November, Portugal introduced several changes to the exceptional measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic, including amendments to the remote work regime, making it, as a rule, mandatory. [...]
The Withdrawal Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom provided a specific legal framework to uphold a transition period’s status quo. UK nationals moving to Portugal [...]
On November 10th, the Portuguese Parliament introduced new amendments to Portuguese nationality law Children born in Portugal to foreign parents residing in the Portuguese territory for more than [...]
Portugal has negotiated an increasingly large number of tax treaties with other countries to reduce the double taxation burden. A Tax Treaty overrides the Corporate and Personal Income Tax rules [...]
O que procuramos – Advogado/a Junior Experiência até dois anos após estágio Licenciatura em Direito pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Universidade Nova, Universidade de Lisboa/Porto ou [...]
O que procuramos – Advogado/a-Estagiário/a Advogado/a-Estagiário/a – Departamento Private Client & Investments Segunda fase de estágio Licenciatura em Direito pela Universidade Católica [...]
The recent Portuguese transposition of the Fifth Directive on AML* has a direct impact on cryptocurrency businesses. In addition to extensive AML and KYC procedures being enforced on some crypto [...]
The Participation Exemption Regime revisited The Portuguese participation exemption regime allows international enterprises to avoid double taxation of dividends and capital gains from the [...]
The Portuguese Government introduced new model forms for the enforcement of Tax Treaties to Avoid Double Taxation. These forms are intended to request the total or partial exemption from [...]