The Tax Treaty between Portugal and Sweden has been terminated. The termination is effective January 1st, 2022, as per the Treaties’ provisions. The Portuguese Foreign Affairs Ministry [...]
The Portuguese Government introduced several changes to Golden Visa. The changes focus on minimum investment thresholds and geographic restrictions and are in force since January 2022. In [...]
We wish our clients, partners, and friends a festive and peaceful holiday season. Thank you for making our jobs a pleasure! We will continue to assist you in achieving your goals in 2022. Our [...]
The Government’s proposal to disband the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF) was approved today by the Parliament at commission level. Therefore, it is expected for the bill to be fully [...]
Overview of proposed changes to the Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax Codes. The Proposed State Budget Law for 2022 is being discussed at the Portuguese Parliament. Significant changes [...]
The Portuguese Government presented a bill several months ago for the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and the Council (“Directive”) on the protection of [...]
Introduction This article summarizes the key aspects of investing in a Portuguese investment fund, for Golden Visa purposes. There is currently an increased influx of investors aiming to secure [...]
The Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Azores approved a 30% VAT reduction from July 1st, 2021 onwards. The standard rate will be decreased from 18% to 16%. Other rates of 4% and 9% rates [...]
Standard contractual clauses minimum font size is set to 11 or 2,5 mm. Minimum spacing between lines is set at 1,15. Breach of this rule will lead to contracts being null and void. Law no. [...]
The Bank of Portugal has approved two companies of Portugal to run crypto-related operations in Portugal. They are now allowed to operate in Portugal and onboard Portuguese clients. The Bank of [...]